Tracking devices have been created with the latest technology for efficient fuel monitoring. In addition to providing fuel usage reports, the devices instantly report management functions, theft and refuelling, all kinds of fuel-related situations. The device that gives signals in emergency situations provide driver safety by controlling the speed limit of the vehicle.
Tracking devices have been created with the latest technology for efficient fuel monitoring. In addition to providing fuel usage reports, the devices instantly report management functions, theft and refuelling, all kinds of fuel-related situations. The device that gives signals in emergencies provides driver safety by controlling the vehicle's speed limit.
Fuel-saving tracking systems allow less energy to be consumed by finding the best route. The tracking device, which warns in cases of sudden acceleration and sudden deceleration, also reports this information. When the vehicle goes off its route, it can be stopped remotely with a single command. It provides double-sided security as the instant commands of the vehicle in motion are questionable and changeable.
Tracking devices do not only save road and fuel. At the same time, they track vehicle maintenance and generate alarms during maintenance times. In this way, no security problem is overlooked.
Fuel-saving tracking systems allow less energy to be consumed by finding the best route. The tracking device, which warns in cases of sudden acceleration and sudden deceleration, also reports this information. When the vehicle goes off its route, it can be stopped remotely with a single command. It provides double-sided security as the instant commands of the vehicle in motion are questionable and changeable. Tracking devices do not only save road and fuel. At the same time, they track vehicle maintenance and generate alarms during maintenance times. In this way, no security problem is overlooked.
The control system that keeps track of the service vehicles ensures that the departure and arrival times of the vehicles are automatically tracked It reports whether the specified routes and times are followed. The waiting times and delays at the stops can be managed instantly and past thanks to the service vehicles control system.
The control system that keeps track of the service vehicles ensures that the departure and arrival times of the vehicles are automatically tracked It reports whether the specified routes and times are followed. The waiting times and delays at the stops can be managed instantly and past thanks to the service vehicles control system.
The system, which keeps track of the entry and exit times of public transport vehicles' to
stops, primarily saves time.The tracking system, which also controls whether the routes and tariffs are complied with, easily configured the driving and stop points of the vehicles. The system that controls and manages all kinds of vehicle movements is preferred for safe and planned driving.
The system, which keeps track of the entry and exit times of public transport vehicles' to stops, primarily saves time.The tracking system, which also controls whether the routes and tariffs are complied with, easily configured the driving and stop points of the vehicles. The system that controls and manages all kinds of vehicle movements is preferred for safe and planned driving.
The tracking system helps manage the fleet by recording the maintenance history and tracking the service processes of the vehicles. The service information reported on thecontrol panel of the vehicle keeps track of the next maintenance time. It provides very valuable reporting for fleet management by recording data till improper vehicle use, cost per service, changed parts, total cost amount.
The tracking system helps manage the fleet by recording the maintenance history and tracking the service processes of the vehicles. The service information reported on thecontrol panel of the vehicle keeps track of the next maintenance time. It provides very valuable reporting for fleet management by recording data till improper vehicle use, cost per service, changed parts, total cost amount.
Transit gate control system has been developed by our company for comprehensive operations management such as international logistics services, long-distance transportation and the management of customs control points. It enables every transaction to be managed through a single data portal.
Transit gate control system has been developed by our company for comprehensive operations management such as international logistics services, long-distance transportation and the management of customs control points. It enables every transaction to be managed through a single data portal.
The emergency operation management system, produced for emergency teams such as ambulances, police and fire brigades is a special system developed for the command centres of the teams. The system includes a call centre, voice recording system, operation management software, digital mapping applications, vehicle tracking and mobile data communication systems.
The emergency operation management system, produced for emergency teams such as ambulances, police and fire brigades, is a special system developed for the command centers of the teams. The system includes call center, voice recording system, operation management software,digital mapping applications, vehicle tracking and mobile data communication systems.